Главная Статьи Публикации По материалам канадских СМИ
По материалам канадских СМИ |
The elitist "Youth Centre of Human Development" exists in Ryasan town, Russia more than 4 years. This is a regional public organization. "The Centre" has helped more than 1500 people to discover their abilities, to find their way of life. Many parents have noticed that their children are now more successful in learning and are more interested in studying of the surroundings and more thoughtful. The older generation has got the opportunity to improve the results of their activities. The elitism of "the Centre" lies in the fact, that only selected people could get such things before. They are a perfect memory, quick thinking, analytical mind, developed attention, rapid decision making and seeing such things, that others can't see. These abilities help to gain experience quickly and successfully, to store knowledge that makes a high developed person. After studying there many people made fortune, entered well known Russian and foreign Universities, got degrees. "The Youth Centre of Human Development" and a number of modern Russian scientists founded "The Science Research Institute of Psychology and Development of Human Abilities". In cooperation with the Institute dozens of scientific works and programs devoted to improving of human abilities, forming of creative thinking and perfecting of some spiritual qualities, were made. The programs of the Science Research Institute are developed on the grounds of theories of such outstanding scientists as F.A. Paracels, I.P. Pavlov, I. Schulz, A.R. Luriya. These programs are needed in the country and abroad. Our specialists are being invited to conferences and work in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Volgograd. There are daughter centers in Moscow and Moscow region now. The Institute contacts with state and private educational establishments, that use scientific results of young researchers from Ryasan town, Russia. Politicians, businessmen, pupils, students and scientists, teachers and doctors, small children study here. These methods are interesting because of their efficiency. For instance, while training intensively you can make your memory better in short time, increase the speed of your thinking many times, develop hard working abilities, learn to control your feelings, i.e. you get the qualities of high educated person belonging to the elite. Young people realize the importance of the abilities, knowledge and experience nowdays and in the future. Here you need not only a wish but you must also know how to achieve your goals. The programs are elitist because they are new and there are specialists only in the "Science Research Institute of Psychology and Development of Human Abilities", Ryasan town, Russia. People from all regions of Russian Fediration and from former USSR countries come to Ryasan town to train. Tests show better functional activities of the brains after training. There are facts that epileptic and other syndromes disappear without using medicines. Here are the main directions of our activities: The Complex Program of Intellectual and Spiritual Development The goal is to increase informative human abilities dozens times, to teach to get and use wide knowledge in many scientific arias and human activities, to give enormous intellectual potential and opportunity to choose one's goals in life. The aims are: considerable development of memory and logical and imaginative thinking , managing of attention, syncronization of brains, emotional development, decision making learning. The results are: After 1st level (15-45 days depending on intensity of studying) the speed and quality of operating information increases, you learn to make conclusions, to analyze information you get and work with it more effectively; the speed of thinking increases, the memory develops. The results are ensured. After the 1st level passed the speed of reading increases at least three times (300-600 words per minute!). That gives the opportunity to study 10-12 pages in 3-5 minutes while ordinary people can do it in 15-30 minutes. After 2nd level (10-40 days) the student can study large portions of information, brings his memory to perfection. This is a new level of operating information. The result ensured is the increase of speed of operating information in six times (600-2000 words per minute!) At 3rd level intensive development of brains goes on grounds of considerably new structural organization of information operating; intuitional thinking and ability to foresee and model situation develop; you learn to control your feelings, get psychological immunity. From the age of 13 people study in groups (15-20 people), children of 11-13 years - in small groups (5-10 people). They have 16 lessons (2,5 hours each) 3 times a week, plus 2,5 hours homework every day (1st level). Individual teaching without homework is possible. Individual Correctional-Developing Programs for Children For children from 2 years old and more. The goals are: development of memory, attention, imaginative and logical thinking, emotional development, increasing of quality and speed of operating information to 100 words per minute with further studying at the Complex Program of Intellectual and Spiritual Development. The aim is: a child must achieve psychological level of the 3rd form of the Primary School. The results are: Pedagogical and psychological problems disappear after 1,5-6 months depending on starting level. Small children learn to study the environment, to read and count at the age of 3 years. By 6years old the speed and quality of operating information reaches the level of adults. The length of these programs depends on the wishes of parents, The 1st level includes 25 individual lessons (2 hours each) 3 times a week with 1,5 hours homework a day. Individual lessons without homework are possible. Intensive Studying of Foreign Languages The goal is to study a foreign language in short terms with achievement of necessary level. The aims are: to save time, powers and means, to achieve wanted results as fast as possible. After the 1st level of studying language from "zero"-level during 90-120 hours of intensive study (15 days, not l4ess than 4-6 hours a day) you can speak and understand foreign language using 1500-2000 words and expressions and read and understand tests using a dictionary. After the 2nd level during 90-120 hours of intensive study (15 days, 4-6 hours a day) you can speak fluently and read original literature without a dictionary using 3500-4500 words and expressions. After the 3rd level (150 hours) you increase your vocabulary to 6000-8000 words and expressions, study to interpret, and when having a professional or high education after passing an examination you can get a certificate of an interpreter. The results are ensured not depending on individual abilities (for the 1st and 2nd levels without homework). The results for all programs are ensured when a student doesn't suffer from a mental disease. |